Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Try Podcasting!

If you are stuck and trying to find out how to reach a new audience you MUST try podcasting. Podcasting is a powerful form of marketing and platform building.

Many people shrink away from this media out of intimidation.  They feel they dont have a message or that no one will listen to their message, but the fact is there is an audience for every message.

The benefits of podcasting include:

1. It's very inexpensive: I suggest using the podcast server This site offers a FREE limited podcast and has very low reasonable prices to increase your download space. I paid less than $100 for the entire year and I get 100MB of download space per month which is enough space for two 30-minute shows per month. My show (

2. It allows you to reach a global audience with little effort: Podbean and most other providers have their own podcast community.  So you have a ready-made audience when you start. This audience is worldwide. If you study what makes a great podcast, put some energy and creativity into your show, you can capture that audience easily. Podbean also very easily and freely connects to iTunes which is the top site for podcasts. Your accessibility has just blown through the roof!

3. Adds more value to your platform: If nothing else, this media adds more depth to what you offer your audience. Yes you wrote a book but what makes you an authority? This podcast not only helps establish you as an authority but also keeps your ax sharpened because you will have to stay abreast on your topic to have a good show.

4. Adds more convenient access to your target audience: We live busy lives. People can't read while driving to work or while at work. Your podcast allows you to be a regular part of your audiences life without any effort. Now they can jog with you, ride to work with you and work with you just by putting on their ear phones.

A few things you may need:
1. Some recording and audio editing equipment, or access to it.
2. Or you can use a conference line. I suggest
3. A theme song, or permission to use a song.
4. A blog site (this blogger site is a great resource), Twitter and Facebook.

Start your podcast and expand your reach!

Happy selling!

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