Publisher, Timothy O. Bond wants writers to succeed. Monday thru Friday, you can expect a helpful book selling tip to give you that one inch advantage. If executed, you can see continuous change and improvement. For more publishing help,
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Force Yourself to Succeed
Having trouble committing to your goals? Maybe you start but don't finish. Here's a the best way to accomplish all of your goals: Put yourself in a position where your back is against the wall. Take some kind of committed step that you can't turn back on without discomfort.
Discomfort doesn't mean physical harm, but it can include: financial loss or social shame. The discomfort has to be real and significant or you won't execute. If you dont like the idea of discomfort, call it an "earnest deposit". Something that is non-refundable.
99% of my clients publish their books within 1 to 4 weeks of a major event. Their backs were against the wall, they overcame all their fears, and finished-- within 30 days-- a book they had been working on for years.
When your back is against the wall, you will shed all fear, all precaution, and trust in your inate ability to achieve.
Three ways to put your back against the wall:
1. Put Your Money where Your Mouth Is:
As an entrepreneur I'm committed to my professional growth. Therefore I invest in business coaching. Now, I MUST utilize and execute my training in order to make the money required to cover the commitment.
2. Get an Accountability Partner:
Make this person someone you trust and someone who is skilled at being candid and honest. When you are held accountable it becomes uncomfortable when you don't execute your goals.
3. Tell the World:
This doesn't mean you give out the detailed plans of your goal, but by putting your word out there, it will become more uncomfortable to not execute.
Put your back against the wall. When you can't take flight, you will fight!
Contact me for free consultation
Thursday, June 1, 2017
You Can Make Money Daily!
Three tips on making daily money.
1. Start paying attention:
There are soooo many opportunities to make money with your books. Pay attention to the sources, resources, and opportunities. If you sell an ebook, take the time to research who bought the book and why? Who else out there is like the person who just bought your book. Pay attention when you sell a book and you will begin to see your opportunities to make money, daily.
2. Don't take the small days for granted: When you learn to save and reinvest the $3.00 or even $0.60, you'll start earning more. Consider the small days to be drips of water in a bucket. Leave the bucket there. Don't touch it. Just let the drips continue to accumulate and look for more ways to turn the drip into a steady flow.
3. Maximize every moment: When you start paying attention, you will begin to see opportunities all around. If you work with other people and you have not told every person in the office about your book, then you are missing out on opportunities. Opportunities are not going to force themselves upon you. You have to step out of your comfort zone and make them happen.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Go As Far As You Can See
Last night as I was listening to my motivational audio, I heard an all-too-common phrase. But this time it really struck a chord.
Jim Rohn, the self-development guru, said it so simply: "Go as far as you can see."
Wow! It is such a simple concept but yet the majority of people, including myself don't get it. If you can honestly say that you don't execute, if you have a problem with procrastination, if you have any ideas in your head that you have not made movement on, it is because you are not going as far as you can see.
Maybe you're asking, "what if I don't see anything?" I have to disagree with you. If you have a desire to write a book and you think to yourself "This book is going to be a best seller. I'm going to be on television, radio; I'm going to speak to book clubs...", then you see your vision. But you have to realize that what you see is not going to come to you, you have to go to it.
There are 3 reasons people don't go as far as they can see.
1. Fear: Fear is the ultimate reason. Everything else is a tool of fear to keep you back. Start combatting your fear. Be afraid to fail, but not like normal people who do nothing. Be afraid to fail to the extent that you attack your ideas with a determination to make them succeed, because you're afraid to fail. And remember: Do it afraid!
2. Lack of belief: If you feel doubt about your plan, then you have a lack of belief. When you feel doubt about your plan, you need to STOP.. Reinforce your belief. Take some deep breaths, think about your potential gains, tell yourself that you're going to make it work.
3. Lack of focus: I have realized that I'm not a strong multitasker. I have to set my sights to get one thing done at a time. I have learned that my best focus comes when my back is against the wall. I pull all stops, I cancel all fears; I think of nothing but the goal. Find ways to put your back against the wall. Tell a few people your intended goals and give a date. Invest money into your goal that requires you to get a return on investment. When your back is against the wall, you will FOCUS, and find a way to survive.